lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Programa 008

Se nos ha ido Paco. Retira las manos del mástil y se toma un descanso. Lo que ha dejado, con nosotros se queda.
Y esta semana le queremos dedicar este programa. Porque él era un sinónimo de cultura. Porque lo es el flamenco y porque él era flamenco.
Una profunda tristeza nos guiará hoy en Zonas Goldilocks, esa tristeza que tanto nos atrae en ocasiones.
Y, para darle cuerpo, nada mejor que Soap & Skin con el tema "Spiracle".

When I was a child
I toyed with dirt
an I fought
As a child
I killed the slugs I bored with a bough
in their spiracle
When I was a child
peers pushed me hard
In my head
In my neck
in my chest
in my waist
in my butt
I still beg
please help me

When I was a child
I threw with dung as I fought
As a child, I killed all thugs
and I bored with a bough
In their spiracle
When I was a child
foes pushed me hard
In my
In my neck
in my chest
in my waist
in my butt
I still beg
please help me

When I was a child
I rend my tongue, distraught
As a child
I killed my thoughts
and bored with a bough
In my spiracle
When I was a child 
Fears pushed me hard in my head
In my neck
in my chest
in my waist
I never loved
I still beg
please help me

When I was a child
I bred a whore in my heart
A stillborn child
I gasp for -
The devil into my spiracle

I was a child
I was a child
I am a child

Nos detenemos siempre alrededor de los genios, porque de ellos es de los que podemos aprender. Como decía Bill Hicks, "todos mis héroes están muertos".
No viene mal que venga Ramiro Ledo Cordeiro y nos reviva por unos minutos a nuestro querido Artaud.

Que la tierra os sea leve, maestros.
Y a ti, buena semana.

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