martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Programa 009

Cantamos para espantar el miedo e incluso hacemos programas de radio para lo mismo.
Expulsamos así nuestros fantasmas y damos cuerpo a la enfermedad para combatirla sin terror.

Y nos pone en guardia contra aquellos que nos quieren imponer su credo o que nos confunden para sacar provecho. De esto saben de sobra los NoFX. No hay que asustarse de lo extremo.

Father:] Hey Kids! 
[Kids:] Hey Dad! 
[Father:] What'da want to do today? 
[Kids:] We don't know. 
[Father:] Wanna go to the matinee? 
[Kids:] NO! 
[Father:] Wanna go to the Amusement Park? 
[Kids:] NO! 
[Father:] Wanna go to the punk rock show? 
[Kids:] Yeah! Let's go to the punk rock show! 

Lost in a sea of combat boots, 
Flush the bouncers with wasted youth 
When did punk rock become so safe? 
When did the scene become a joke? 
The kids who used to live for beer and speed 
Now want their fries and coke 
Cursing and flipping birds are not allowed, 
In fact let's keep noise levels down 

Must separate the church and skate! 

Why don't we put pads on the kids? 
Helmets, head gear and mouth pieces! 
Then we could pad the floor and walls, 
Put cameras inside bathroom stalls 
We make sure only nice bands play, 
Make every show a matinee 
Teach kids to be all they can be, 
And we could sing my country tis of thee 
Sweet land of liberty 

When did punk rock become so safe? 
I know it wasn't Duane or Fletcher, 
Who put up the barricades 
Like a stake in the heart, 
Somehow we got driven apart 


I want conflict! I want dissent! 
I want the scene to represent... 
Our hatred of authority, 
Our fight against complacency 
Stop singing songs about girls and love! 
You killed the owl! You freed the dove! 
Confrontation and politics... 
Replaced with harmonies and sticks 
When did punk rock become so tame? 
These fucking bands all sound the same 
We want our fights we want our thugs! 
We want our boards we want our drugs! 
Where is the violent apathy! 
These fucking records are rated G! 

Why did punk rock become so safe!

Programa 010

Las mujeres están presentes.

Y son mujeres valientes, muy por encima del absurdo y acartonado patriarcado.
No son víctimas pobrecitas esperando a que las rescaten o a que las salven. Ellas pueden solitas o, mejor, acompañadas por quienes les den la gana.

Son pura poesía por derecho propio y no se venden.
Algunos hombres sí. Como Daevid Allen.

Poet for sale,
a real life person for sale.
Buy now!
I have my values,
clothing no extra charge.
Buy now and save yourself trouble,
get a gnoom for your home,
get an angel in a taxi-cab,
get a corpse in a London bus.
Buy me, buy me! Oh yes.
And I will love you, love you.
Buy me and I will love you.
And you, you great fat corporate slut, sold my mental peace.
You who want to run the country, brainwash me, baby
brainwash me CNN, brainwash me Bill Gates.
Clean my brain of your plate, oh mystic angel.
Brainwash me
With my poetry all I can do is speak to you, now. So here I am, I am a poet for sale!

Y es que, aunque lo escriban ellos (Def Con Dos), ellas lo pueden hacer suyo, como aquí hace Arianna Puello.

Buena semana, mujer. Buena semana, compañero.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Programa 008

Se nos ha ido Paco. Retira las manos del mástil y se toma un descanso. Lo que ha dejado, con nosotros se queda.
Y esta semana le queremos dedicar este programa. Porque él era un sinónimo de cultura. Porque lo es el flamenco y porque él era flamenco.
Una profunda tristeza nos guiará hoy en Zonas Goldilocks, esa tristeza que tanto nos atrae en ocasiones.
Y, para darle cuerpo, nada mejor que Soap & Skin con el tema "Spiracle".

When I was a child
I toyed with dirt
an I fought
As a child
I killed the slugs I bored with a bough
in their spiracle
When I was a child
peers pushed me hard
In my head
In my neck
in my chest
in my waist
in my butt
I still beg
please help me

When I was a child
I threw with dung as I fought
As a child, I killed all thugs
and I bored with a bough
In their spiracle
When I was a child
foes pushed me hard
In my
In my neck
in my chest
in my waist
in my butt
I still beg
please help me

When I was a child
I rend my tongue, distraught
As a child
I killed my thoughts
and bored with a bough
In my spiracle
When I was a child 
Fears pushed me hard in my head
In my neck
in my chest
in my waist
I never loved
I still beg
please help me

When I was a child
I bred a whore in my heart
A stillborn child
I gasp for -
The devil into my spiracle

I was a child
I was a child
I am a child

Nos detenemos siempre alrededor de los genios, porque de ellos es de los que podemos aprender. Como decía Bill Hicks, "todos mis héroes están muertos".
No viene mal que venga Ramiro Ledo Cordeiro y nos reviva por unos minutos a nuestro querido Artaud.

Que la tierra os sea leve, maestros.
Y a ti, buena semana.